
How to Make Sure Your Dryer is Working Properly

Just because your dryer turns on and runs doesn’t necessarily mean that it is working properly. Some issues are obvious – like it taking multiple cycles to dry one load of laundry. Other problems will not become apparent until it is too late, like a clogged dryer duct leading to a home fire or a disconnected duct causing moisture building in your crawlspace.

In this article, we discuss why it’s important to have a working dryer and then explain common dryer problems and how to fix them.

The Importance of a Working Dryer

A broken dryer is obviously not ideal for any homeowner that needs to do laundry. But an improperly working one can be just as bad.

Risks associated with broken or improperly working dryers include:

  • Home fires: Did you know that clogged dryer ducts are one of the leading causes of home fires in the U.S.? The lint that builds up in the duct is highly combustible and can easily catch fire if the dryer overheats or if it touches the heating element.
  • High Electric Bills: Running your dryer over and over again to dry your laundry leads to expensive electric bills, as it takes a lot of energy to heat up and run the appliance.
  • Moisture Damage: Dryers are supposed to vent out the moisture from your wet laundry to the outdoors. But if the dryer is not working properly or has a disconnected duct system, then the moisture could be getting trapped in your laundry room or your crawlspace.
  • Expensive Repairs and Replacement: Dryers are not inexpensive, and if yours is not working properly, it could eventually end up as an expensive repair or replacement. Maintenance is a key step to extending the life of your appliance.
Clogged dryer vent

The Five Most Common Dryer Issues:

  1. The dryer duct is disconnected: Dryer ducts can get disconnected due to clogs, dryer shifting and movement, a broken dryer duct seal, or just never being correctly connected in the first place. You can check to see if air is blowing through the external dryer vent when the dryer is running to see if there is a proper connection, as well as looking in the crawlspace or area where the duct goes. Oftentimes, reconnecting a dryer duct is an easy and inexpensive fix, just requiring new ducting or replacing the seal.
  2. The dryer is not getting hot: It’s possible that the dryer’s heating elements or the thermal fuse need to be replaced if the dryer is not getting hot. If the dryer overheated at one point, then it might’ve tripped the thermal fuse, would then need to be replaced as it can only be used once. Make sure to also look into why the dryer might have overheated in the first place, potentially a clogged dryer duct. Before replacing any parts or calling a dryer technician, give us a call to perform a dryer duct cleaning which can alleviate many dryer issues.
  3. Strange noises coming from the dryer: Motor issues within the dryer can cause strange, loud noises. And missing or broken parts can cause squeaking or other unusual noises. If the noises continue after one use, it might be best to contact a dryer technician to prevent further damage.
  4. The dryer is taking multiple cycles to dry your laundry: Multiple cycles can damage clothing and run up your electric bill. The most common cause would be that the dryer is straining to heat due to a clogged dryer duct. Other possibilities would be a broken moisture sensor or heating element. If you look at your external dryer vent and see a lot of debris and lint, or notice a lot of lint buildup in your vent, it’s likely that it’s time for a dryer duct cleaning.
  5. The dryer keeps shutting off: It is likely due to a broken motor or sensor. The recommended fix would be to contact a dryer technician.

Dryer Duct Cleaning Services with PureClean

We offer professional dryer duct cleaning services to make sure that your dryer duct is properly connected and venting thoroughly. We recommend scheduling these services every two years as an essential home maintenance task that will keep your dryer working efficiently.

Special Offer: Enjoy the benefits of a free dryer duct cleaning when you book our full-service air duct cleaning. Contact us today to get a quote and schedule.

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